"Miss Rita," Sherman acknowledged with a slight nod. "I hadn't expected the host to be so uncomfortable with all the socializing."

Rita dropped all pretenses after running into him. She smoothed the hem of her skirt with one hand while the other clutched a handful of little titbits she had swiped from the kitchen. She had avoided eating any of the main meals so as not to leave a bad impression on the guests, but her hunger was becoming too much to bear.

"You can't gatekeeper feelings. Am I not allowed to feel that way?" she retorted. "You're acting like you're so high and mighty."

"Those who act high and mighty tend to think others are too," Sherman confessed with a wry smile.

"Tell me, do you still think I've taken your seat? I presumed you'd grasp the situation once you knew who I was."

have taken that seat. We both have the money to afford the ticket. Why do you insist Miss Claire reserved that seat for you? Hasn't it crossed your mind that it could just be a simple error?

her frustration by biting furiously into a cream puff. It

you were just a different reporter," Sherman remarked, "But aren't you the same as us? Your status is among the elite

slowed. As much as she was angry at Sherman, she could not but acknowledge that she belonged among their ranks. After

partner for her. He was eagerly introducing all those rich young men to her, listing off their qualities as if they were from a catalog of men she could choose as a suitor. He would be even more delighted if their

fully aware of its nature. Hearing her voice out her innocent musings seemed to be the height of

I am that sort

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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