Sadie pretended to be magnanimous and considerate, which only disgusted Rita further.

"I'm only going to say it once: I didn't do it. Even if you and your mother want to falsely accuse me, I didn't do it. I don't know how you managed to retrieve this surveillance footage, but Dad, I'm telling you, I didn't do it. If you want to suspect your own daughter, then I guess nothing I say can ever change your mind," said Rita.

She looked squarely at Vince, giving her father one last chance.

Since Rita had said so, Vince had no choice but to brush the matter aside quickly. After all, there were so many people watching their family's drama.

"Alright, maybe you accidentally misplaced the bangle somewhere? Maybe it got knocked under the table accidentally? Quickly have the servants search for it. Everyone, there's no need to stay here. This is just a joke between my wife and daughter. Goodbye, now."

to send the guests away. After all, if they lingered any longer, who

Karen was not going to let the matter

that so hard? I know I'm her stepmother, and no matter how much I do for her, others will only say I'm just a stepmother. But haven't I been good to her? Why does she treat me like this? Since I married you, I've been enduring one grievance after another. Even my daughter has no choice but to swallow her pride like me. I've endured everything until now,

like him. The older he got, the more he needed to feel like he was needed. "Rita, your stepmom is right! Come over and apologize

was simply stunned, thinking, 'Is this how this man usually handles things at home?' She could not imagine just how

little unreasonable? How can you force Rita to apologize just because your wife throws a tantrum? It hasn't even been confirmed whether Rita really did steal the necklace, and you're forcing her to apologize? Isn't that a bit too much?" Gina, with her

enough, Gina. This is a family matter, so butt out," Vince said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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