The other reporters did not join in with Chase's remarks. After all, Chase had tried several times without success, yet a newcomer had struck gold. They could not help but feel unhappy about it.

However, they knew better than to belittle their interview subject. If those words reached Claire's ears, it might jeopardize any future dealings with her. All the same, they could not help but feel curious. How did Rita manage to secure the interview when everyone else failed?

Back at home, Rita did not waste any time either. She knew her colleagues would gossip about her, but she had grown accustomed to such idle talk. Her study at home had become her office, with information about Claire covering an entire wall.

After learning about Claire's relationship with Sherman, she also looked into Sherman's background. The more she learned about this man, the more amazed she was at his achievements. She had not expected someone so young to have such capabilities.

'No wonder even Dad tried to get on Sherman's good side. Heck, I bet Dad wishes nothing more than for me to marry him. It's just a pity we didn't really get off to a good start on our first meeting,' thought Rita. However, after their last meeting, Rita did find some merits In Sherman. In fact, she did not even mind being friends with him.

Rita chuckled self-deprecatingly

from the same social class. Even if her family had some money, it was but a drop in

finally make a name for

should get ready for it," Rita muttered to herself before burying herself in her

determined to do her best in any interview. She wanted Claire to know that refusing her interview before had been A mistake. She absolutely had

was barely in her teens and first saw a war correspondent reporting news on television, she was deeply moved by that reporter's image. Since then, a seed of becoming a

on the right path. She also believed that one day she would become a reporter that others also

a wink that night. She spent all her time trying to organize concise yet engaging questions. It was quite challenging, especially for someone like Claire, who had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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