There was still room for them to maneuver around the situation if immediate steps were taken, and delaying it would only complicate the situation. Sherman put down his documents and reclined halfway in his office chair.

"I want a thorough explanation of this issue," he demanded.

"It's rather simple, to be honest. This boils down to the original developer failing to resolve a dispute with that homeless individual. But at the moment, we won't have any specific information until the investigation is complete," Walter added.

Sherman's brow furrowed deeply. "Had it not been ascertained that there were no issues with the developer? Why did this individual emerge all of a sudden just as we were ready to commence construction?" Walter found it unclear whom Sherman was holding accountable in this situation. After all, their company had merely purchased the land from the developer. If they had not made a bid, other real estate moguls would have done the same. The area had considerable economic potential, and whoever managed to develop the land into a business district would stand to gain substantially from that venture.

"On the surface, the developer appeared to have resolved all prior issues," Walter continued cautiously.

completely silent, save for the rhythmic tapping of his slender fingers on his

the surface?" Sherman finally spoke. Those three simple words were more than enough for

locating and purchasing the land, he still felt the pressure coming from Sherman. Even though they had just begun dabbling in real estate, they could not have been completely ignorant of the intricacies involved in such transactions. Clarification must be sought for every single detail even before proper research into the property commenced, particularly when it came to situations where the

if their

apologize. It was our

rubbed his temples. As a fair person who would not needlessly chastise someone when it was

matter thoroughly. Find out everything you can about that man. If it's the developer's fault, we must gather evidence. We can't dive into this without getting

dealing with the homeless

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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