Lenny gulped, wondering if Sherman had come over because of the recent interview. He glanced at Rita and seemed to have come to a conclusion. Sherman recognized Rita because she had gotten in trouble again!

Rita glared fiercely at Sherman, having already told him that she had her own methods to uncover the truth. There was no reason for him to be there unless it was to intervene.

"You don't need to concern yourself with this issue, Mister Sherman. This matter is under the purview of New Capital Times. If you have time to visit us, perhaps you should use that time to sort things out on your end so incidents like this don't repeat."

Lenny coughed when he heard Rita's words. Her tone was unbefitting of addressing a big-shot company president. It was almost as if she considered Sherman a colleague! Rita's presumptuousness was a little over the top.

Lenny coughed.

"It's wise to rest

hire here is new to the industry and hasn't really grasped all the protocols yet. Please accept our sincerest apologies if she has inconvenienced you. Please let me know what happened. I'll see to it that Rita learns her

Rita. "What have I done now? Why is it always my fault?!" she remarked in a huff. If Sherman was not around, she would have started a heated argument with Lenny. She could not fathom why everyone seemed to be targeting her. Anything that she did or did not do never sat well with her colleagues. She did not know who else she had offended

notified Lenny earlier of his arrival. Lenny understood the

know if you need anything. New Capital Times will

shot her a glare as if to warn her not to

the developer on your own," Sherman said to

our paper hasn't decided to cover the story. You can rest assured that we won't publish any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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