Coupled with the previous conversations Rita had with the boss, she deeply doubted her female colleague's judgment. Rita did not hold any expectations.

However, the other colleagues seemed excited. They gathered around to gossip to the point of even neglecting their work.

Chase was very pleased. It was clear that the boss intended to criticize Rita at the staff meeting. Perhaps he could even get rid of this annoying newcomer altogether.

Thinking about how there would be no one left in the department to challenge him in the future, Chase felt rather satisfied.

With a stack of documents in hand, he walked up to Rita's desk, leaned against her workspace, and clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

Rita did not even bother to lift her head. She found him extremely irritating and had no desire to engage with him.

Chase sneered inwardly at her indifference. 'Let's see how long she keeps this calm facade on her.' The thought of her being caught off-guard and criticized filled him with even more satisfaction.

you could be fired any day," he remarked

'This guy is truly out of his mind. Parading around like he owned the place.

in next to Chase. "Chase, you sound like you know something. Is the

the meeting starts. I

so? Well then, I guess we'll just have to wait and


why they're busy spending extra time

not help but frown, feeling that Chase

diligently as an intern, much more than these old-timers. No way would any person in their right might rashly dismiss

show. Apart from a few interested individuals who gathered around, the rest of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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