Rita frowned. She never liked talking to Chase in the first place, and she always believed that the truth would eventually prevail. However, she also understood that some people would believe Chase's lies.

"Sorry, Chase, but I've recorded everything you just said. As for the slanderous remarks you made, I'll leave them in the hands of my lawyer. Don't think that you can bully me just because I'm a newcomer. I'll sue you for this and along with everything written in this magazine. I'm going to make you pay."

Many colleagues were surprised by Rita's bold move, revealing herself as the victim written in the article. At the same time, they admired her determination. A legal battle was not something that could be resolved quickly.

It seemed Rita was truly determined to settle this score once and for all.

"Bullcrap! Everything I said was the truth. Did I say a single false word?"

court. I hope your resolve is as hard there as it is now. I wonder if your uncle will

to lay low for a while and not contact them. He would definitely lose the lawsuit without his uncle's support. He would be doomed to carry

really afraid. His gaze fell on the recording device Rita was holding, and he struggled to snatch it away from her. There was no way he would

tough? We agreed to see each other in court, so why are you trying

to imprison Chase. Some even began to recall if they had offended Rita before, fearing

remained silently watching Rita carry on. After all, the man had instructed him to let Rita vent

was involved in this matter. He didn't even get mad that time when Rita stormed out in anger. Could it be that the company president goes to special classes where they teach emotional control? I always get a headache whenever Rita comes complaining to me, but I didn't expect her to do the same with someone of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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