"Then I guess I really don't have anything to worry about. I believe Virgil will be happy to hear this news," said Rita, crossing her arms and giving the appearance of agreeing to no longer get involved in the matter.

However, Sherman knew she would not give up that easily.

"Let me remind you one more time, Miss Rita: don't try to secretly investigate that developer. Otherwise, no one will be able to save you if anything happens," warned Sherman seriously, and Rita could not help but nod obediently.

"Alright, you've made yourself clear. How could I possibly take such risks? Well, I've asked all the questions I wanted to ask. Since you've given your answers, that's that," said Rita, getting up and swiftly packing her materials into her bag.

Sherman remained seated, unable to suppress a soft chuckle. It had been a long time since he had seen someone take the initiative to leave before him. Only Rita would dare to do such a thing. Just as she was about to leave, Rita suddenly turned back with a smile.

"What?" Sherman was a bit puzzled.

you always unconsciously rub your fingertips. Glad to have made this discovery.

left without looking back, leaving Sherman alone to ponder the meaning of her

Even though Sherman's response was not pleasant to

that when this man helped her, it was sincere, not because of any cooperation with her family's

rearview mirror. Her face was so hot that it could fry an egg. Rita buried her head in the steering wheel,

had not been in a rush to get married, but if she could find someone she truly cared for, marriage was not totally out of

discovered by Rita. He also did not know that he would subconsciously rub his


different from the image she presented

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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