Sherman's guess proved correct as he received a call from his friend while on the way. Rita was indeed at Golden Sand Hotel near his company. "Quick, tell me which floor she's on?"

"She's in Room A414! Hurry up and get there," said his friend seriously. "When I saw her in the hotel corridor, she seemed dazed and confused. Something's not right. She looks like she's been drugged, and..." He stopped himself mid-sentence.

The air around Sherman was tense. "Thanks. I'll properly thank you after this is over."

"Hey, no need for that. What's important now is to make sure she's safe. Don't worry, I've already informed the hotel staff. Let's hope... Let's hope it's not too late. I wonder who's so brazen to do such despicable things in my hotel..."

Sherman did not have the luxury to listen to his friend's complaint. He quickly hung up the phone, pushing the gas pedal as he headed straight for the hotel. Fortunately, it was not too far.

hotel staff were bustling up and down, responding to the emergency. They only knew that something extremely serious had happened in

happened? I've been working here for years, and I've never received a level-one directive before." The hotel staff exchanged information as they

there's no point in speculating now.

all in a hurry, and he suddenly felt something was amiss. Karen

Room A414, he was immediately spotted. The staff had not received instructions yet, but everyone was stationed at the door, so it was easy to notice the thug. "Who are you? What

and cleared his throat. "Ahem! What business could I have? My girlfriend

it was indeed a keycard issued by their hotel, he must be their

of an incident at the hotel, and for the sake of everyone's safety, we're being extra cautious with out checks. We hope you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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