"You know I only have your son's best interests at heart! How can you say something like that to me?" Sadie erupted in anger and yelled at Simona.

Even Sherman was taken aback by the scene. He shielded his mother and said, "I warned you not to cause a scene here. If you have a problem, you can take them up with your family," Sherman then swiftly called his secretary through the intercom. "Lucy"

Sadie, however, continued her tirade. "I'm doing this for your own good! Why can't you understand that? Why are you so fixated on Rita? She must've put a spell on you or something! She's only pretending to be nice for the sake of getting closer to you! You were supposed to be a cautious man, but you still ended up falling for her trap! Can't you see the truth? What do you even see in her?"

Sadie remained immersed in her self-righteous feelings of love. In her eyes, Sherman was a pitiful man blinded by love, and the object of his affection was none other than that wretched Rita. Lucy, as Sherman's long-time secretary, acted swiftly and brought two security guards with her. With two burly men controlling her, Sadie's outburst was swiftly quelled, and she was unable to move.

She could not believe that Sherman would resort to such measures against her. "Don't you even have the slightest feelings about me? I genuinely like you, but you had me put in this situation! I'm the one who truly cares for you. Why can't you see that?"

as she was dragged out of the office, her voice echoing even after the

his mother's disapproving gaze. "I

to describe her. I have no connection with her whatsoever. I don't know why she showed up at my office and spoke to me like she and I

sighed. Had Sadie not thrown a fit, she would have been a little more tactful with the situation instead of just

to just let her be dragged out like that? She seemed to be in a bad

"I'm not going to just have her thrown out to the street. She'll be escorted back to the Russells. That being said, she's not exactly a dignified member of the family she doesn't even bear the Russell surname. She changed it only after her mother married into the family, which means she

"That explains why she was constantly painting Rita in a negative light. Rita must've had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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