"Rather than letting my grandparents and parents be sad just to please you, why not put on a little act for them to reassure them?"

Rita immediately shot back, "That's not what I mean, and I'm not just trying to please myself. One lie leads to a thousand more lies to cover it up. Yes, we've managed to deceive them today, but how long do you think we can do that? Do you expect us to live as a fake couple for the rest of our lives?"

Sherman glanced at her indifferently, his eyes clearly indicating that as long as it made his family happy, what was the harm?

"You... You're unreasonable. Lies can't become reality, nor can we lie for the rest of our lives. I just think we should stop lying to them while they're not too deep into it yet. This way, we can spare everyone future pain."

Especially for Rita, who had not felt much warmth at home. She was afraid she might develop unwarranted feelings for Sherman's family since they were such loving people.

your family. So how can you complain so much when I'm only asking you to do something so

she felt, Rita decided to stop arguing. After all, her father was the cause of all this. "Fine, it was foolish of me to suggest such a stupid idea. Just pretend I didn't say anything.

Rita looked so small despite wearing such a large coat. Naturally, the

leave immediately. She watched Sherman's car disappear from her sight, feeling uneasy. She did not know if she

on the Parr Group's official website. It quickly became hot topic online since no one

Claire? There were photos of them

likely. Maybe the last time was

should stop being so full of yourself. If Claire is Sherman's wife, she would've sent dozens of paparazzi

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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