Rita had indeed been unable to convince her father before, but she had been trying her best. She even mentioned repaying the money her father owed Sherman-was that not enough? What did Sherman want from her?

Claire could not help but step back when she saw Sherman approaching.

"So this is the kind of woman you're dumping me for? You really are something, Sherman. How can you give up years of memories and feelings between us for someone like her?"

"I've never seen anyone as good at distorting the truth as you. You know perfectly well why I chose someone else; you just refuse to admit it. It's been so many years, and you should've known by now that we can't go back to how we used to be. You made your choice, and you want to go back on it now?"

"Yes!" Claire rushed forward and grabbed Sherman's arm. "Yes, I want to go back on my choice. I shouldn't have left you to go abroad in the first place. How could I have known that when I came back, you'd have another woman by your side? I should be the one marrying you! I'm your childhood sweetheart. How could you fall for a woman you've only known for a few months? Have you forgotten what she did to you?"

Claire cried bitterly, and many people around them started to comment on the situation.

tsk. Looks like Sherman is just another fickle-minded man. Indeed, there are no

men might not be good, but Sherman might be an exception. He's

knows how many women's hearts he's played with? Look at these two beautiful women so heartbroken over him. If I were a man,

colleagues nearby scorned her

money. If you did, you might be even more fickle-minded than Sherman! Plus, what gives you the right to comment on his love life? Do you have a death wish or something?" "You! You women only care

act like you men don't care about looks and money as well. What a

listened quietly nearby. She had not realized there was so

together after all these years, didn't that just mean they weren't right for each other? If they both had feelings for each other, why not

Rita stepped forward, wanting to calm Claire down. The three of them could sit together and talk things out calmly. There was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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