Chapter 8 Apology

The photo Nicole posted was the one of Wendy Quade and Eric
Ferguson sleeping together. Their intimacy was self-evident.
What was originally a sharp weapon used to hurt Nicole became a
shield for her to protect herself.
Nicole’s statement was as follows:
[Dear Mr. Ferguson,
I was deeply sorry to hear that ‘Daydream’ was stolen, so I hired a
private detective to track it down overnight.

The detective found the
jewelry across the Atlantic Ocean in Germany, at the hands of Ms. Ingrid
Ferguson. It seems that Ms. Ferguson is quite a world-class gambler.
I hope that you will investigate this thoroughly before jumping to

Nicole also attached the well-known private detective’s investigation
report as well as another photo of “Daydream” that was on a gambling
table with Ingrid Ferguson.
In an instant, the already viral gossip became even more turbulent. Eric
Ferguson’s divorced ex-wife, Nicole, was put in such a vulnerable
position, yet she hired a reputable private detective agency and even

cleared her name during the day without disturbing anyone’s rest.

their divorce – adultery. Who was the unprincipled one in this

Eric Ferguson had a few drinks with some friends that night and did not expect that so much had happened overnight. Even their stocks began to plummet by the morning. Early in the morning, Eric’s face was extremely glum as he sat in his

Mitchell, only stood there with trepidation and dared not breathe too loudly. “Who authorized the use of our company’s main account

the floor. The man’s gaze was

listened to the Madam’s orders? Fire everyone in the PR Department!”
Mitchell’s heart trembled. “Y-Yes, sir.”
“Get rid of that news on the internet immediately!” An abysmal storm
was brewing under the man’s dark eyes.

24 hours. No one can remove it.” Falcon Entertainment was the top player in the entertainment industry, so no one dared to go against them. Eric’s face

she think that this was my idea and at my behest?’ The man’s face was tense. His eyes were cold and stern. Suddenly, his phone rang. When he saw that it was from his mother, he hung up the call without thinking. ‘I didn’t allow her to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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