Chapter 2323 Dislike Me

An hour and a half later, Nicole slowly woke up.

The person holding her was warm and strong. His arms were muscular.

Last night's scenes returned to her mind in an instant.

Nicole was afraid that she was just dreaming, so she looked up at Clayton’s face. Just as she was about to get up, his hand subconsciously tightened, and she fell back on him again.

However, she hit his leg.

Clayton's face instantly turned pale from the pain. Then, he opened his eyes.

Nicole realized that something was wrong, so she quickly got up, knelt beside him, and subconsciously lifted the quilt to have a look.

However, Clayton stopped her by grabbing the corner of the quilt. He stretched out his hand to pull her onto him and said with a sleepy and lazy voice, "What are you doing so early in the morning?”

Nicole felt a little guilty.

"Did I hit your leg? Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt."

He stroked her hair reassuringly.

Nicole remained silent.

Clayton realized her silence, so he sat up, leaned back, and sighed.

"It hurts a little, but it's like being kicked in a dream. The pain will go away soon. It's okay."

Nicole blinked, and there was some doubt in her watery eyes.

"What should we do? Do you need to take medicine? Should we go to the hospital?"

Clayton pursed his lips and softened his voice.

"No, I brought back the treatment device from abroad, and it's in the office at the restaurant. If I continue treatment every day, it won't hurt. It's just inconvenient to walk."

The doctor advised him to walk less, but Clayton wanted to stay fit, and he did not want to become a disabled person.

"Don't treat me like a porcelain doll that can’t be touched. This is a long term treatment process. I only worry if you'll dislike me..." He said the last three words softly.

Clayton said something so important casually, but it felt heavy on Nicole's heart.

She seemed to realize what Clayton really cared about.

Why did he not come home after he returned to Mediania? Why did he hide his identity?

Was he being unreasonable because he was afraid that she would dislike him?

turned red all

not speak because she did

a perfect person like

It was her fault.

his neck and kissed his


"I love you."

Clayton smiled. "I know."

stroked her

“Even if you become minced meat, you'll still be my favorite minced

Clayton was speechless.

was a little creeped out

he was not minced

felt her

on the

vaguely heard their voices coming from inside, so she knocked on the door

and walked over with


you promised Chatty that you'd send her to

was stunned

He forgot.

the two children, who were sitting on the sofa

Clayton's expression changed.

blame himself for waking up late or scold the two little ones for

the time and

matter whether

"They can skip the morning

Zoe nodded. "Okay.

Clayton smiled and nodded.

the door and looked back to find an empty bed.

minutes, Nicole washed

bathroom, put his cane aside,

stayed behind him for a long


just one afternoon and one night, Nicole felt that the


waist from behind and clung to him. His heartbeat was

was rekindled in

paused and did not stop

up briefly, Nicole let go of him so that

were in the dressing

Nothing changed.

looked at the cufflinks he had left casually on the counter back then. Those were not

his chest

for brooding and deliberating whether to come

He needed therapy.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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