Larry Yeager had exhausted all means. At this moment, he could only make use of the public opinion to force Eric to compromise. That was why he went all out today.

Eric was disgusted by this.

Eric’s face became gloomy and cold.

However, he did not hesitate and strode right into the office.

Mitchell had instructed the bodyguards to wait for Eric at the entrance.

As soon as Eric came, the bodyguards automatically split into two teams and flanked Eric’s side.

All of them went into the president’s exclusive elevator.

However, Larry did not let him go so easily.

They were waiting for Eric to show up.

“Mr. Ferguson is here! Mr. Ferguson is here…”

“Mr. Ferguson, please have mercy on me. I don’t know how I offended you in the past. Why did you use such a ruthless method to lock up our funds with that project? We’re diligent taxpayers and have contributed to the city. You can’t do that to us…”

Larry should not be discharged from the hospital as he was still lying on a stretcher. He was shouting at the top of his lungs and did not care about his image.

He could not care less about anything and only wished that his pitiful act would succeed. Then, he could use public opinion to force Eric to take over that project. That way, his goal would be achieved.

Then, Yeager Corporation could be revived.

Larry was panting. He tried to get off the stretcher, but he was too weak. He choked and sounded pitiful.

“Mr. Ferguson, please help me. I still have hundreds of employees and their families to support!”

For a moment, the media that followed Larry all focused their cameras on Eric.

is what Mr. Yeager said true? Is that project a trap that you set

this a violation of the fair

you get close to her on purpose so that you can

Ferguson, I saw that you left the movie premiere with a lady’s


was cold, and he swept a

was not as hysterical as usual. She only knelt pitifully beside Larry and looked at her father


be a high and mighty career woman, but she turned into a down-and-out rich girl.

move Eric in

Cindy for a few seconds and finally let out a light

Why don’t I know about my scandal with Ms. Yeager? Is it right for the media to

as Eric opened his mouth, the reporters’ excitement instantly

oppressive. Who

news, they might lose their

thought about the commission given by

Corporation took over a project at the last minute from you, Mr. Ferguson. Now that there is a problem with the project, how do you explain

reporters grasped

pitifully from the

bodyguards around Eric were on standby. They ensured that

in a

came downstairs and hurried

“Mr. Ferguson…”

moved calmly, and his gaze was

it very clear before Mr. Yeager signed the contract. If the project makes money now, will Mr. Yeager rush to trouble me? Mr. Yeager should be begging the bank instead of me

deep and cold. He did not care

hand excitedly, and pointed at

he was physically weak and

if you hadn’t deliberately set us up, we wouldn’t have taken over that project. You clearly knew that there was a problem with that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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