The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 2589 Her Family Is Dead

The wedding was grand and rushed.

Eric set the date in half a month.

It could have been canceled, but Selena did not know why Eric insisted on having this wedding.

Did he never have a wedding before?

Selena objected many times, but to no avail. Thus, she simply did not want to waste her breath.

The location was set on a small island in Europe.

It was beautiful, and there was a sweet aroma in the air due to a special local plant.

The guests who were invited were determined by Eric.

Selena only invited people from the bar.

When Chaz found out about this, he was in disbelief like he was struck by lightning.

When he got the gold-plated invitation, he thought that he was dreaming.

Selena was entertaining guests on the island and smiled until her face was stiff.

Chance also hid in the room because he was tired.

It felt like a real waste of time for him to be with a group of unfamiliar and immature children.

Eric, on the other hand, greeted everyone with ease. It was as if he would not refuse anyone who came.

He was simply the groom who was so into the wedding and could not extricate himself.

Selena wore the clothes that Mitchell sent over and sat in the room drinking tea.

Outside was the clean and invigorating beach and sea. Needless to say, the scenery was beautiful. Even the stones on the ground were smooth and delicate.

Eric had money, and he was willing to spend it.

Thus, the extravagance of this wedding was beyond Selena’s imagination.

Selena glanced at the bill sent by the butler and felt dizzy, but the butler quickly took it away.

He was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable.

the unfamiliar guests coming and going outside. They were probably all

one in the entertainment industry was

was Eric’s wedding, so how could he invite those people

the door of the room opened, and there was the sound

going out to have fun?

turned her head helplessly

only slept for four hours because of your wedding. He’s still sleeping, so please let him

bright smile on his face as he walked behind her and

you don’t look forward to it, I still want to give you the best.

slightly. She

thought about what

Eric laughed lightly.

Of course he did.

scene was also

vague image suddenly appeared in

She and Eric.

could not tell

Perhaps she

have heard what he said that night, and

her hand. His voice was soft and

great! I married you with all my heart, and I will never betray you. You won’t

was humble, but

not hate it at

chuckled and

“Are you that confident?”

“Of course!”

His eyes softened, and a smile appeared on

eyes were clear and clean. His face was fair, and the light

Selena’s heart softened inexplicably.

“Okay. I won’t run away, Mr.

knocked on the door and urged

forehead. “Take a rest first. I have a surprise for you

waved her hand and watched him leave before she sat on

door outside. It was the butler

you. They say that they

Selena frowned slightly.

maiden family is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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