What Keith said to Nicole earlier was
infuriating. Wendy Quade most probably
got kicked in the head because of that, so
they deserved it.
The corners of Keith’s lips twitched. He
looked at Eric and said, “Is she saying
that I don’t have a brain?! What did I say
that was so wrong?”

Eric raised his eyes, which were deep and
dark. His tone was cold. “What do you
‘Well… I admit that ent a little
overboard, but that’s only because I was
too anxious about Wendy’s life, which
was Hendrick’s only dying wish! How
would I know that Wendy’s slight bruise
looked so serious?’

“But still… That woman shouldn’t have
hit someone!”
‘She must be so angry right now! If I
really offended that woman, would she
post my nudes in a fit of anger?!’
Eric’s eyebrows were tightly knitted.“
Take her to the hospital for a checkup. I
have to leave first.”
“What?” Keith was surprised. “No, I have
something to do too!”

‘I need to apologize to Nicole before she
remembers that she has my nudes! I’m a
man that knows when to give in!’
Eric did not care about Keith and left as he

held his phone. Keith followed behind
him closely.
Ingrid stayed where she was, puzzled. So,
I have to accompany Wendy?’

phone reading the dozens of messages in the group chat. It was all about lan’s regret for not attending the show. Ian was forced to join his father on a business trip

just slapped a band-aid on it and left. I



him.” Remember to buy Jules a yacht!” Kai sighed helplessly. “All you know how t o do is give me trouble…” They went back to Nicole’s apartment. Nicole had not seen Tigger in a long time, so she held it up and twirled around. She did not

grasp and pushed over Nicole’s Gucci slippers, urging her to


few things.” Tigger laid on Nicole’s slippers and rubbed its head on them. Nicole was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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