Chapter 551 You Can Get Lost Now

Nicole was stunned for a moment when she saw Eric standing at her door.

Eric was holding a slightly soiled navy blue gift box.


It looked a little out of place from his clean, slender hands.

His eyes were red.


He handed the box to her and said in a soft voice, “I picked it up, so don’t reject. me, okay?”


His voice was house. His throat felt astringent.

He felt like he was going crazy for her, so much so that he could disregard his reputation and rummage through the trash can.


However, Eric knew that if he just walked away, he would not even have the luxury o f meeting Nicole again in the future.

Nicole was silent for a few seconds and did not move.

Eric also remained in that position.

After a long time, Nicole smiled and took the gift box from his hand.

She took out the contents and put them on a table at the side, then threw the box on the floor.

Nicole swept a glance at Eric and said, ” You can get lost now.”

Eric met her gaze and stepped forward.” I’m sorry.”

He was too impulsive and lost control earlier

not marry Clayton yet. Even if she did, he would still

emotions in his eyes were complicated. The arrogance he had when facing outsiders

an eyebrow.

want to change my


did not nel I oihink about anything else

few seconds,

sleep with me, but now he wants to sleep with me apenly

looked at him indifferently. “Da you think you

fingers tremble slightly. “Do I think that I have a

really at this

Nicole sorted

later! Mis jaw

him and did

to get back together with her was not

so humble and wretched. It

and closed the

on Eric’s arm was

Nicole, my leg hurts…”

was mute

he begged

like his invincible and mighty dominance just

also felt a heaviness i n her heart

aggressiveness, ignorance, ridicule, or even frivolity,

this was

his leg was injured and could

she took out her phone and said, “I’ll call Mitchell to come and pick you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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