Noah looked like the breakfast porridge was especially hard to swallow.

For the first time, Nicole felt sympathy for this old man. He did not have hypertension, right?

Floyd had the same expression.

After wiping his mouth, Floyd smiled and uttered some long-prepared words of praise.Nicole and Kai were dumbfounded upon hearing him!

Nicole thought to herself, ’How scared is Dad that Molly won’t want Maverick?’

Grant simply took a tiny spoonful and refused to touch it again.


Sure enough, the smartest person in the family was always Grant!

Molly watched the family admire her cooking skills in satisfaction, especially Floyd, who made her feel extraordinarily satisfied.

Maverick looked at his hypocritical family and ate the toast made by Kai with an expressionless face.

Ever since he saw Molly put in salt instead of sugar, he felt that he could not let Molly cook anymore in the future.

meal was the first

drank several glasses of water. Molly prepared to go back to see her

many gifts for her to bring back. Nicole and Julie

“Molly, are you satisfied

nodded solemnly.

marry the Great God Maverick and join his wealthy

your house, put in a good word for him. He’s not good with words, but you two are a great match for each other. If your parents are satisfied with him, let us

soon?” Molly was secretly shocked and

marry into a rich family?

soon at all. You’re both busy, so let us worry

the company to come up with the copywriting for the product and had it sent

it, so she uploaded it on her social

comments and private messages, but she never

name still on the trending topics just second to the New Year’s

her right hand holding a cup

fair, delicate, and soft like a beautiful

right hand was wearing a delicate diamond ring as she casually held a

on the center point of the picture, making it hard for people not to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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