Nicole did not even notice this. She took the bag and led Clayton inside.
While they walked, Nicole introduced the current situation of the entertainment circle to Clayton.
“Although I don’t know too much about this circle, I heard that the authorities have set their eyes on the high pay for films here.

So, some artists can’t raise their prices too high. They can either improve the quality of the film or use other channels to transfer the money to the artists. In short, this business is still risky.”
Clayton nodded along.
“I’ve also heard about this. A few famous stars previously have crashed and burned. Their persona collapsed and even implicated the films they were in to not be broadcasted. That’s why I’ve just been watching and waiting for the right moment.”

Nicole forgot that Clayton was a real investor.
If he was really interested in showbiz, he would have probably investigated it long ago. It seemed that the excuse he found earlier was still just an excuse after all.

For a while, Nicole had mixed feelings and felt a bit disappointed.

conversation earlier and did not know what he had

was stunned and

not a silly girl who gets smitten by looks. I’m the richest young woman who wants to concentrate on my career!” The elevator was suddenly silent for a

laughing like that and suddenly choked. ’Can he really tell? He’s clearly lying! Forget it, I’ll just use facts to prove myself!’ She did not want to

the elevator arrived, they found the designated hall and saw someone who was wandering around outside. That person’s back looked somewhat familiar. Nicole approached to take a look. ’Isn’t that

naturally also saw her as well as Clayton, who was behind

His face was strange and complicated. He retracted his gaze and looked at Nicole.
“What a coincidence!”

enter. She finally understood what was going on. Keith was not able to go in and was just waiting outside anxiously. Nicole suddenly laughed. “It’s not a coincidence. I was

really liked to specifically say such hurtful words that stabbed people right in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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