Clayton gently turned his head and smiled at her: “By the way, I’ll take you to the crew first.”

Nicole: In any case? Isn’t it true in both directions?

Nonetheless, she smiled gratefully: “All right, it’s great to see you!”

Clayton was clearly in a good mood based on her duplicitous smile.

Nicole, who was bored on the road, happily made a videocall to Floyd.

Floyd hugged the children and said they were telling stories.

It is said that the children are clearly impatient and will throw things in front of them on the ground on purpose from time to time.

Floyd, on the other hand, was extremely supportive: “Isn’t Grandpa’s speech fantastic? We love hearing it!

Come on, Grandpa will teach you something about quantum mechanics…”

Nicole rubbed her brow: “Let’s talk about it, Dad!”

Floyd said, “Children should be the first to receive an education. I used to be too preoccupied with work to devote time to you. I’ll teach you one by one in this manner! Now that I have time, I want to devote all of my energy to our conversation so that you can go out and play with confidence!”

eventually decided

and abruptly hung

her: “Dad, this won’t

she will refuse. Don’t

worry, but the face remains calm and

entanglement and did not


exhaled slowly as he

“That’s great.”

Nicole smiled.

and talking about children. He is not tired, and those around him

eyes and felt pain in his heart, swaying the elders’ hearts

is the person

a person will be when she grows up; what

work harder, enough for you to waste, whatever she becomes.

Sloan, the dream is nice,

to the Europe summer camp within a

anything else about

Clayton would let him say that children were unscrupulous with a precedent

her with a guilty look on his face, then coughed and said, “Of course, he’ll have to work harder in the future,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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