"The above means that you want to take back the military project and hand it over to Eric?" Floyd’s speculation is not unreasonable.

Grant said, "There is no clear meaning, but it should not be.Eric’s advantages are not enough to counter the huge benefits brought by the South African base.I think the above may want to completely make it our own, or at least have control over it.cannot be passive.After all, it is an arms project and matters involving various countries are sensitive, so it is impossible to ignore it." 

Nicole heard this, her hands and feet suddenly became cold.

During the day, Eric’s words flooded into her mind again.Her intuition was that Clayton’s project might have really gone wrong.

Subconsciously, she pushed the door directly in.

The people inside did not expect her to come back at this time.


It was Floyd who responded quickly: "Have you come back soon? Are you having a good time?" 

Nicole paused and pursed her lips: "Don’t lie to me, did something happen to Clayton?"

 Floyd was silent.

Grant glanced at him before looking at Nicole: "Clayton didn’t tell you?" 

Nicole shook her head.

"But I met Eric just now.He said that Clayton colluded with foreign arms dealers, and that there was a problem in the South African laboratory.Is it true?" 

She was a little flustered in her heart, but she was calmonthesurface.

Not because of any military project.

was worried

are not uncommon

the scale of Clayton, but domestic military projects would rather give up Eric

of an accident, all aspects involved will definitely

still abroad, and if something really happens, he

lips, wondering if he should

too much silence in the

"Big brother, tell me quickly,

at Grant: "Go ahead, don’t

with the weapons, and the other party was struggling with Clayton.Trouble, it’s a very powerful group, so the influence is relatively bad.I can’t rule out the possibility of deliberately trying to find fault, but it did let out

has the ability

heart sank a

they were on the phone just now, Clayton casually shared with her the

a word about

more worried she became! Floyd looked at Grant and returned to the topic: "So, the military project we are currently holding

must be stopped in time.But as far as I know, they haven't contacted other partners.They should still have great expectations, but it is too much to let


beliefs, Clayton

very confused, but she knew how to answer the question subconsciously: "The worst outcome at the moment is that we take the bottom line and start to carry out this project inLiberty in an all-round way.Although the process is difficult and complicated, and the cost is huge, it

to that bad stage yet.When Clayton comes back, they will send someone to talk to him.As for whether they can negotiate or not, it is their ability."

Clayton is not anative of Mediania, so

the Stanton family can hold

they forcing him?Nicole nodded and took a deep breath: "Brother, if there is anymore news, don’t hide

and then remembered something: "You

nodded slightly, tell him everything

After listening.

but after all, the expression on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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