Nicole finally got his wish and hugged him softly and talked about the children.Suddenly her heart melted.It was said that the child generously gave a wet kiss and bubbles, whichmade Nicole wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Your own son, can’t be too disgusted.

During the meal, Tigger accompanied her to talk about the children playing.

When the child wanted to fall, Tigger would always stand behind him as a pillow.

Tigger, this stupid tiger thought he was joking with him, so he ran aroundendlessly, biting a small toy in his mouth to make him crawl and run after him! After dinner, Floyd took Clayton to the study to speak.

Grant didn’t go, and took Aida to pick up Levi from school.

Kai leaned up and said, "Did you really go to Yvette’s place yesterday?Why can’t I see Yvette’s Moments without you!"

If Nicole was there, Yvette couldn’t have not posted it! Nicole’s heart tightened and she glared at him.

"We did it on purpose." Kai paused, "Did you go too when you know? I didn’t contact her last night?"

Nicole was taken aback.

Kai chuckled lightly.

"You quarreled again?"

Kai stretched out his hand and made a fork: "No, quarrels are the catalyst of feelings.That’s not called quarrels with her, it’s called enhanced feelings!"

Nicole watched Kai’s serious nonsense.She wanted to get this topic out of the way.

"Don’t worry about our girls’ business."

Kai wanted to ask something else, but this time Clayton come over.

"There’s something in the company, do you want to come with me first and then go home?"

Nicole of course agreed, and she would be exposed sooner or later when she was interrogated here.She stood up immediately and said that the child seemed to know that Mom and Dad were leaving, and immediately ran over to hug Clayton’s leg.Clayton looked down, his heart softened, and he hugged the child: "How Many days to stay home with Dad? Can’t disturb Mummy’s rest…"

The child nodded vaguely and happily hugging his neck and not letting go.

Nicole went over and took her bag, which contained things that the children would use with them.

Floyd frowned: "It would be nice to send the talk tomorrow, it’s getting late today…"

to bear children, but mainly wanted to leave room for

my aunt is taking care

apartment was opened

two floors were Clayton’s house,

are four floors up and down, very spacious, and quiet and


decoration structure, the current residence is very bright

I said hello to my aunt at home, and my aunt was ready to welcome the little

and stroked the hair

features became more and more beautiful, and those crystal clear eyes

little worm

of Clayton’s driving

was stunned for a

wrong in

in front of

were placed on the steering

contrast was obvious, andthe knuckles were slender, like a pair

matter, I won’t say that, I’m afraid I'm going to spend the

off guard by

didn’t really restrain at all

still seemed to fall on her

if he wouldn't give up without

himself, and his

a wow, he opened his hands and

"Sit in your own seat, and

she spoke, she

children who got the bottle soon stopped worrying about whether to hold

atmosphere was quiet

"Huh? Don’t you

"In front of the small light bulb, please restrain your

"I know, if the small

Nicole also followed.

thought of something: "Lil Michael, are you ready? Do you

which was already

he has experienced many things since he was a child, and he has also experienced more thrilling than these.What’s more, the bodyguard beside him.You can block ten with one enemy, that Filipino servant is also a

little shocked by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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