The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 368

Chapter 368 Give Me a Kiss?

Eric said, “Open it and take a look.”

His eyes were gentle. His side profile looked like it had been outlined by a brush. It was exquisite, deep, and clear. He also had such an awe-inspiring and noble vibe.

Nicole was speechless and opened the box. It was a limited-edition bracelet from a famous luxury brand. There was only one of this in the world.

It was indeed beautiful. It was even more exquisite and refined than the advertisements she saw.

She did not get to book it in time and did not think that Eric got his hands on it.

Eric raised his large hand and poured her a cup of tea. He raised his eyebrows to look at the little kid next to him and reluctantly poured him a cup.

Lil Michael excitedly leaned in to see the bracelet. ‘Luckily, it’s not as big as my bracelet!

“Old Mister, you’re too petty. How can you be afraid to spend money on a girl?”

Eric raised his eyebrows speechlessly.

Lil Michael confidently took out his red velvet box.

“Pretty Lady, this is my gift for you.”

With that, the little charmer opened the box to reveal a chunky gold bracelet.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

Lil Michael sat next to Nicole and explained, “Girls like gold, the heavier the better. Got it, Old Mister?”

He had a disdainful look as he stared at Eric.

Eric’s mouth twitched.“

Nicole’s eyelids jumped.

“Did you buy this?”

it was certainly

nodded his head and looked at her

course! I can buy you anything you

daddy has lots and

this. How can children just give out gold jewelry like

it felt quite heavy when she

turned his head to the side and

relief. She looked at the little charmer’s unhappy face with his features all scrunched

then, I’ll accept

his brilliant eyes and looked at

“Do you like it?”

before she answered,

Michael pointed to the limited-edition bracelet

“Do you like this?”

another two

happily and came up next to Nicole.

and pointed to his soft,

why don’t you give me

cold. This annoying child is

kid looked to be eight or nine years old, anyone

looked at the little charmer

kissed him on his forehead, then laughed and pinched his

need to talk about business. You be good and

was just kissed by his pretty lady, was in a trance for a moment. He happily looked down and shyly fidgeted with his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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