The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Just a Douchebag

Lil Michael blinked and was just about to open his mouth to introduce himself, but an eager voice suddenly came through his miniature earphones.

His nanny said, “You can’t tell her! If you do, she’ll like your daddy instead!”

Compared to his dad, Lil Michael felt that he did not seem to have any other advantages than being young.

My Pretty Lady can’t be hooked by Daddy! Absolutely not!

Lil Michael’s opened mouth closed tightly again. His eyes shifted cleverly.

My daddy’s a rich man, but all his money is mine too, so you should just like


Nicole laughed helplessly and smiled as her heart melted.

Michael’s dad must be very rich!

Nicole took Michael back to the Stanton Mansion. Tigger was extremely excited and spun in circles around Lil Michael.

“Mama, I like Lil Michael so much!”

Lil Michael picked Tigger up and stroked its head.

“I like you too, kitty!”

“I’m a tiger!”

Tigger wagged its tail in defiance.

went to the kitchen to get some water, Lil Michael carried Tigger by its

call her Mama, then

being carried like that. “No! Papa is Eric Ferguson! He’s the


in the world!”

said a tiger should

complain about him, so he said, “ Whatever, I won’t bother with a cat like you! Anyway, she’s

moment, a ring

It was Clayton Sloan.

reluctantly picked it up.”


“Where are you?

house. Daddy,

won’t I be out of the

low chuckle. “If

minutes, I’ll go over and

going against his son’s

Michael was so anxious and angry that he stomped his feet and

I wanna sleep with my pretty

are you

she came out

about to end

speak to

Michael reluctantly raised his hand. Only then did Nicole realize that his watch

“Is that your daddy?”

“Ms. Stanton, it’s me.”




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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