Chapter 225

Bella said, “You’ll never give up, huh?”

Her hand on the cabinet door clenched into a fist. She took a deep breath, and her eyes turned red with anger. “I have said everything I should say. I can’t do anything if you don’t believe me.”

“Have we met somewhere a long time ago?”

Justin was eager for an answer. He leaned closer to her, almost covering her beautiful back with his body. “Bella, answer me. Have we met a long time ago?”

Bella’s heart suddenly clenched. Her red lips instantly lost color. “You’re thinking too much. The time Grandpa introduced us and proposed that we get married was the first time we met. Before that, we

had never seen each other before.”

She was afraid that Justin would find out that she was the little girl he saved 13 years ago.

Since they were already divorced, Bella thought that her 13 years of love and pursuit only made her look more pitiful and embarrassed.

Bella wanted to save her dignity. She really did not want this bastard to know that she had been in love with him for 13 years.

It was embarrassing.

There was a trace of disappointment in Justin’s eyes. He always thought that there was more truth

behind it.

go. I need to get my things and leave.” Bella’s

cabinet door.

“Bella, you…”

asking! That’s enough!”

Her voice was sharp as she said, “Justin, we’re divorced. Do you understand what the word divorce means?! Why are you insisting on digging up the past? So what if I was infatuated with you once? I don’t love you anymore. Now when

with me.’ Justin heard nothing else but these words,

a deep breath, held her smooth shoulders, and suddenly turned her body around so that she was

to find her eyes were teary

cry if you want.” Justin’s voice was stiff, but his eyes were a little softer than

Divorcing you brings me such joy that I wake


cold as ice. Her chest heaved angrily. “From the moment I signed

would never shed a tear for

last sentence struck Justin’s heart like a hammer.

something, there was a sudden

are you in there?”

is here. She’s waiting for you

eyes suddenly turned dark.

face also

was waiting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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