The man’s name was Memphis. Asher’s file contained a detailed background check on the man and even a plastic surgery report.

This man had undergone full-face plastic surgery.

Bella was shocked to see the man’s original face before plastic surgery. She recognized him as Rosalind’s fitness trainer-cum-lover in Meridan because Axel had shown Bella his social media account before.

“That’s him! The man who groped Rosalind!”

Bella was so excited that she told Asher everything.

After all, the photo of Rosalind being groped had left a deep impression on her.

Asher coughed lightly, frowned, and laughed. “Bella, watch your words.”

“I’m right!”

Bella gritted her teeth and smiled slyly. “Oh, I knew it! It’s definitely Rosalind!”

Asher’s eyes suddenly turned cold and filled with overwhelming anger. “Before, I thought that woman was just jealous and only capable of playing some small tricks. I didn’t expect her to be so ruthless. I really underestimated her.”

“But it’s strange. Why would this man undergo full-face plastic surgery?”

teased, “Why did he have to lose his face after

the file.” Asher reminded her with a doting smile

pages. It was a debt contract from a casino.

be a gambler. He owes quite a

said calmly, “He’s in debt. The casinos, banks, and loan sharks are all looking for him,

came together

whole situation.

of desperation, he went to extort Rosalind. After all, Rosalind was the fiancée of Salvador Corporation’s president, which

of this man’s

stretched out his long arms

eyes were bloodshot. “That condition is to hurt you.’

well enough.

man attacked

only been a few hours since the incident. How did you find out

a god!”

“It’s a coincidence.”

casino in Meridan that he frequents was one of the places I controlled, so I still have my people there. It’s just a matter of words

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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