Chapter 381

Vincent led Bella and Ada to the lounge backstage, where the trio enjoyed a glass of champagne and talked.

After a long chat, Ada’s agent called her to attend an important


With her gone, Vincent and Bella were the only ones left in the lounge.

“I haven’t seen you in three years. How have you been doing, Alexa?”

Vincent looked at her tenderly, his eyes reflecting the affection of a mentor. There was nothing romantic between them.

“As you can see, nothing has changed much.” Bella spread her arms apart and smiled relaxedly.

“You have matured a lot in the last three years. I can see it in your eyes. Where have you gone? Did you find inspiration all around the world?” Noticing the crease etched between her brows, Vincent asked


“I didn’t travel. I’ve been to the farmer’s market and back for t years. The passion’s long gone.” Bella sighed with sadness in


“You’re funny as always.”

Vincent clinked glasses with her and asked with a smile, “When are

you planning to reveal that you’re Alexa? It’s a shame to hide that

dazzling side of you.”

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had not gotten far when a husky voice


heart skipped a beat, and she looked back with a

toward her against the light

close, and Vincent got the hint. He chuckled and asked Bella, “Is he a friend of yours, Ms.


Bella sneered, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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