Chapter 516

Justin nervously put his hand on her hot forehead, and the burning temperature left him distraught.

He quickly took off his jacket and shirt, which were still warm from his body, and wrapped them around Bella to shield her from the cold.

Bella weakly opened her eyes. The man had given her almost all his clothes. At this moment, he was only wearing his black vest.

His muscular body was a work of art. His rugged and untamed charm stood out in the wilderness.

“Do you still feel cold?” Justin asked in a raspy voice while fixating on her flushed face.

“Uh… It’s cold. I feel so cold…” Bella hugged herself and shivered.

Justin drew a deep breath. With downcast eyes, he spread his arms apart.

He carefully pulled her into his arms and rubbed some heat into her.

“Do you still feel cold?” The man lowered his face, his heart beating out of his chest.

Bella rested her chin against his shoulder blade, nestling up to him.

wet hair to massage her head. He

muscles easing in his

able to keep her

warmth and taking her hand to check her

under her fingernails. These

to her grasping at survival

went out to her.

You’re not a cat. You don’t have nine lives.”

You don’t mean anything to me. Who are you to tell me what to do…” Bella rested her head on

she did

tell?” Justin’s ears

can’t. Tell me

out when push

mean anything to me.” Bella closed her eyes, not wanting to

do right now was take a nice, hot bath and lie down on her bed for a

felt so tired.

because I saved your life? Was it just to repay me?” Justin clutched her hand and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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