Chapter 852

“That’s not what I meant. It’s just that you’ve always been really discreet with your doings. You never show up at events like this.”

“Really? Well, you’ll have to get used to it now.”

Bella narrowed her alluring eyes slightly. Her gaze gave off a hint of intrigue as she addressed her cousin. “I’ll be making more public

appearances from now on. It seems like we’ll have to spend more time catching up, Cecily.”

Cecily’s face wore a forced smile, though she was seething inside.

The staff politely asked Bella. “Miss, may I see your invitation,


“I don’t have one,” Bella admitted openly.


Cecily could not hold back her laughter as she mockingly remarked

finally seizing an opportunity to regain some ground. “My dear Bella

have you been out of the loop for too long? Don’t you know that you

need an invitation to get into a high society event like this? You’re

difficult for the

staff looked visibly perplexed. “I’m sorry, miss, but you can’t enter

without an invitation.”

Bella Thompson,” Bella stated calmly, her

name “Bella Thompson” struck the staff like a thunderbolt,

leaving them.dumbfounded.

would just mention her father’s name for


now, after causing quite a stir in Savrow, her name alone held enough weight. There was no



to attend to and wanted to see Mr. Salvador. My bad, I didn’t think this through carefully.”

offering a slight smile. “Since I don’t have an invitation, I understand that it’d be hard for you to let me in. Could you please inform Mr. Salvador that

Thompson. Please, come

attentive, a complete contrast

treatment of

is Mr. Larson, a friend

Bella asked politely.

This way, please!”

staff courteously escorted Bella and Arnold

left standing alone at the entrance.

stomped her foot.

been like this since

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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