Chapter 918

Bella wanted to avenge Steven, Linhy, and all of Shannon’s victims.

It was the wee hours of the morning, yet Justin stood wide awake at

the end of the corridor and looked outside the window.

He called Ryan to meet right away.

Ryan put Carrie to sleep and assigned Yasmin to guard duty before driving to Justin.

“Relax, Justin. I’ve talked to my connections in the underworld.”

Ryan clasped a cigarette between his lips. Upon recalling that he was at a hospital, he put the cigarette away in annoyance. “The bastard won’t show his face since the police are on his tail, but I’ve put him on a wanted list in the underworld. We’ll get him. He has nowhere to run. My people are combing Savrow, checking every nook and cranny three times a day. The bastard is dead meat.”

“Thanks, Ryan.”

Justin put his hand on Ryan’s shoulder and asked in a raspy voice,”

Did you tell Carrie about Linny?”

“Fuck! I wouldn’t dare. I can’t bring myself to tell her.”

over his forehead, Ryan took deep breaths. “I only met the girl once, but I know that she is close with Carrie. She’s a kind woman. If Carrie finds out what happened

Chapter 918

suffer a breakdown.”


let Carrie know.”


is losing it. The weight of reality

crush a strong person like her. You can only imagine

do to Carrie.”

eyes widened

incident on his way to the hospital. Even if

nothing to him, Ryan had the resources

to find out.

do you plan to do now, Justin?”

lan looked into her, and she came

a rural area. Her parents have passed away.


if things can’t be any

grandmother is well taken care of If she wants to, I can bring her to

witnessed Linny’s death.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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