Chapter 965

All members of the Thompson family were present today.

Justin walked alongside Bella, his gaze looking straight ahead with

unwavering steadiness. He kept his cool despite being the only


His head could not be any clearer.

Justin wanted to be the shoulder for Bella to lean on and the

presence she could let down her guard with.

Jan stayed behind Justin. The sight of the Thompson brothers made

his hair stand on end and his palms clammy.

Learning from Justin’s experience, lan envisioned a future wife with a

lot fewer brothers.


The family surrounded Bella.

The Thompsons were not too pleased to see Justin.

Before, the Thompsons would have closed the door and released the

hounds on Justin.

all you have

attending the funeral instead of resting. “Thank you for your hard work, Amelia. You helped me


Chapter 965


a family, Bella. Don’t say that.”

warm and cozy inside.

soon and take good

reached Steven and Amelia, taking their

together. “I hope you will be

angel to Amelia.”

he looked at the imposing figure behind


for him to

someone who would do anything for her, and the

was stronger and more reliable

the woman’s back in silence, his

was tempted to hug her and tell the



was on standby outside, approached Bella in a hurry wit

grim look.

situation, Bella. Word somehow

out there.”

thorough and never leaves room for error. Given


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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