Chapter 1004

“Don’t you think your question is ridiculous?”

Christopher forcefully brushed her hand away, laughing scornfully. “If I had known you were such a clingy woman, I wouldn’t have saved you back then.”

With a resounding slam, Christopher stormed out, leaving Yvonne curled up naked on the floor, crying her heart out and feeling worse than the torn dress scattered on the floor.

The freezing rain hammered down on Justin’s body. The journey was difficult, but he pushed forward.

Asher walked beside him. Although he appeared calm, he was and living secretly lamenting Justin’s speed. Justin was worthy of his military- accolades and his veteran title from his time with the peacekeeping forces. Despite being away from the battlefield for yea luxuriously, Justin did not slack off nor was his body He was ready to pick up his weapon and head for comb necessary.

Asher couldn’t help acknowledging that, besides himself, per only person in the world who could ensure absolute security sister was Justin.

“What a shame!” Asher sighed silently.

"What?” Despite moving quickly, Justin could still hear him distinct

was about to reply, everything around him suddenly became a blur.

and a series of bullets swept through the spot where

but feel a shiver down his spine.

would have been riddled with

“Are you alright?”

okay,” Asher said as he gasped for breath. “Thank you.”

now on! Otherwise,

as he carefully scanned

subordinat his sharp vision and hearing allowed him to detect the dangers. lurking

We’re under attack!

rushing toward

wide-eyed with shock before collapsing

onslaught of bullets followed, dispersing everyone in different directions amidst the dense jungle. They were too preoccupied to protect Justin and Asher’s safety

boulder, swiftly returning fire with precision that took

their accuracy, the situation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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