Chapter 1012

Bella held Justin with everything she had while crying into his ear and calling out his name.

Justin, always quick with a reply, fell silent.

“Bella! Justin!”

“I’m here, Bella! Bella!”

“Here I am, Justin!”

Drew, Asher, and Ryan finally arrived at the meeting spot.

Asher fired two rounds, shattering Winston’s knee with the first shot and disarming him with the second shot. Winston dropped his bow and cried out in agony.

Even so, Winston would not give up. He dragged himself across the floor to grab his weapon in order to retaliate.

Acting quickly, Drew sprung before him.

He stomped on Winston’s hand and crushed it.


through the night as the shatteri of bones breaking sent chills down everybody’s

dirty hand was no more.

on the scene, Winston was captured

were dead, while those injured and alive were arrested. The hideout in South Island was wiped out.

not the only thing accomplished. The Hoffman Group’s

himself. However, he did not own a big enough ship to transport the weapons back to Savrow, and most importantly, he needed to get Justin to the hospital as

of delay puts Justin’s life at

Justin. Wake up!”

mess, her eyes bloodshot, and tears rolling down her face, she whimpered


already suffered a massive loss of blood. Yet he darted toward danger without backing down. He refused to

out of the chopper. Even at

be so foolish and stubborn?


blamed herself for not


behind Bella, Asher and Drew watched sorrow sweep over her. They

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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