Steven even prepared himself for the worst-case scenario.

He would not turn his back on Amelia, even if she was no longer a virgin. He made up his mind that Amelia was the only woman for him. Regardless of what happened, Amelia was perfect and pure to him.

Bella cussed as regret washed over her. "That animal! Had I known of his intentions toward Amelia, I would've left him dead on the surgical table."

"I assigned my men to apprehend Charles' associates covertly."

Justin sprung to action. "Charles is limp. He can't do this on his own. I'm sure his minions would know what is going on."

A light flickered in a flash.

No one saw how Asher drew his dagger.

His gaze was chilling. "My blade hasn't seen blood in a long time. Charles is asking for it. Who am I to deny Charles' punishment?"

Charles carried Amelia, who was not in the right state of mind, into a guest room.

She was thrown into bed, her mind muddled. She wriggled restlessly and panted with difficulty.

was a

eyes ravished her. He eagerly

"Fuck! What the hell?"

realized a horrible problem. He could not get it

as he may, he could not get

he could not even take the right form to begin the rigorous exercise. How was he supposed to live up to his reputation? Amelia

believed she must

he had to nail Amelia.

was no longer an option, Charles simply tore her

was voluptuous. Even so, Charles could

want to

thundering noise came from the back. Nearly wetting his pants, Charles slipped under the

"Who's there?"

"Your worst nightmare."


took strides toward the bed with grimacing eyes and grabbed Charles by the hair to

hurts! Let go, bastard!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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