Bella was lost for words.

Justin facepalmed. "You're a grown-up, Mr. Hoffman. Get a grip."

After the call ended, Charles wet himself again.

"Ha. There you have it. We have an eyewitness and evidence. Try and talk your way out with the police and my dad now."

The stern look on Bella's face was chilling.

Charles lost it.

He came from power and wealth, so the police did not scare him. Wyatt was a different story, though.

The Thompsons were long-time family friends of the Iversons, but Wyatt was protective and merciless when he wanted to be. Charles had heard stories about Wyatt from his father.

With his deeds exposed and the evidence thrown at his face, Charles would face a more horrible fate than jail time when word got to Wyatt. It would be the end of a friendship between both families, and his father would likely disown him.

dog and pleaded in tears. "M-Ms. Thompson, please. I was foolish. I came up with the stupid idea because I was desperate to defeat Christopher. I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Please. Our fathers have been best buddies for so

unfazed by his crocodile tears. "You can reflect on your crimes

word with you." In a last-ditch

didn't violate Ms. Amelia. I-I...

Everybody was shocked.

while Steven held her

don't feel anything when I have Ms. Amelia to myself.

eyes flickered harshly. "Do you think that it makes your sin any less?

so she knew Charles was likely

done. You didn't succeed in going through the whole thing, but you have seen her body without her consent.

Charles shuddered in fear.

did not want to be

and Justin's phones

calls were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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