Asher's brow twitched as he swiftly disarmed Declan.

Usually, trying to disarm Declan, a skilled colonel, would be wishful thinking.

However, Asher covered the muzzle with his own hand. Declan feared the possibility of an accidental misfire harming his elder brother, compelling him to release his grip on the gun.

"Ash, if you really care about our little sister, you shouldn't have intervened!" Declan's bloodshot eyes glared fiercely at Justin. If his eyes were blades, he would have already gutted the man.

It was a rather harsh statement.

The fact that it came from the usually gentle and kind Declan made the statement even more impactful.

Yet, Asher did not blame him for it.

It might be better if he could vent his anger in such a way. Otherwise, he did not know what horrific actions Declan might resort to.

"Dec, I care about Bella, but I care about you too. The same goes for Ax and Drew... We grew up together, and I love all of you the same. I don't want you to sacrifice your future for this jerk. You may feel relieved after doing it, but have you considered Bella's feelings? Have you thought about how Mom and Dad might feel about it?!"

mother, the two brothers suddenly felt sorrowful, causing them

since you came home, and we've all missed you. Bella will be thrilled to see

eyes briefly and took a deep breath, suppressing his heartache. "Let's move past this. Bella has decided not to pursue this any further. Dwelling on it will only cause her further pain,


It was agonizing!

tears welling up like a rushing

they would have

have I done...

get here. Getting soaked might make you sick. Come home." Asher said as he pulled

slump. His trembling lips quivered. "Please... Let me see


him. "Justin! Get out of here now! Don't dirty our home. Don't ever let me see you again!

Please let me see

he showed no sign of backing down, as if nothing, not even the collapse of the heavens, would make him change his mind. "There are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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