Justin stared at the unfamiliar number on the mobile screen in a daze.

Not many knew of his private number. In the past, he would never take a call from an unknown number.

However, for some reason, his heart raced.

Justin accepted the call and placed the phone close to his ear. "Who is this?"

It was noisy on the other end of the line, with rain in the background.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Justin would have hung up a long time ago, but he stayed patient for once and waited for an answer.

"It's me... Justin..."

Bella's weak and soft voice sounded broken in the howling wind.

Her voice cut through Justin like a knife.


He jolted to his feet, his breathing heavy and shaking. A call from Bella was the last

see you... I'm so

you, Bella? I'll go to you now." Justin teared up

don't know where

not keep her emotions at bay and sobbed. "I walked a long way... I can't go on anymore... My head is spinning... I just want to take a little

gut. "Don't hang up. I'll lock down your location now. I'll

Nigel tensed up. His heart

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. I—"

waved his arm understandingly. "Go on. Nothing is more important than finding

phone and sprinted out of

and keep her from harm's way,"

paused before giving a solemn

the wheel and sped to Hatchbay in the rain, with lan

a hard time catching up to Justin's ride at 180 miles

believed Justin was driving a

Justin was risking his life to

face as white as a sheet. His

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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