"In the future, please don't hesitate to ask for anything you need!" Secretary Chad offered eagerly, treating Justin as if he were his own boss.

The temperature in the car began to rise as their lips and teeth intertwined in a deep and lingering kiss.

Justin reluctantly pulled away from Bella's tender and moist lips, his own lips curving in satisfaction.

It was unclear whether his pleasure stemmed from Secretary Chad's response or from Bella's passionate reciprocation.

After ending the call, Bella's forehead glistened with a thin layer of sweat.

"Are you some kind of omnipotent god? You even have connections close to Mayor Solloway?"

Bella panted softly in his arms, her eyes both soft and coy. "All those people in the political arena are cunning, driven by ambition and vanity. Especially someone in a secretary's position. They're often the closest confidants of high-ranking officials and the hardest to win over. How did you manage to sway Secretary Chad?"

Justin gently caressed her damp hair, raising an eyebrow. "I was able to gain his loyalty because I'm affluent and respectable enough."

"Pfft... What a big ego!" Bella teased, poking his cheek.

for many years, but as far as I know, the mayor is quick-tempered and extremely harsh with his subordinates. Working under him is like walking on thin ice, always on edge. Besides, despite several opportunities for advancement over the years, Mayor Solloway has deliberately held Secretary Chad back. Tell

progress in politics, he decided to switch to business. And you seized the opportunity by promising him some

good care of Secretary Chad. He's quick-witted and manages to keep everyone happy without a slip." Bella's eyes twinkled with

to arrange for his sister and unlucky brother-in-law to exit quickly when Axel, leading a group of prosecutors with imposing

get in?!" Astrid trembled behind

clenched his teeth, his expression solemn, as he watched Axel

No matter how much you try to obstruct or deflect, the light of

Savrow does not belong to the Iversons. Some people dream of using their power to oppress others, thinking they can rule the world, but that's like laying on a bed in a

smile. "Young Master Axel, I

his eyebrow. "There's no Young Master Axel here, just Prosecutor Thompson. Move aside and don't obstruct

James, leading his team

his shoulders where he got bumped, his eyes venomously following

do we do... What do we do?! They're about to take my husband away! Stop them!" Astrid was frantic, desperately shaking James' arm. "Shut up!" James finally

so frightened that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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