Charles' arrest rocked the whole nation to its core.

Astrid got her wish. Her scandal was overshadowed by another.

The Iversons came out worst in all of this.

The scandals of Charles and Astrid pushed the Iversons to the brink of ruin. If the arrest was not bad enough, Charles let his bird out of his cage for all the nation to see.

The former head of the household would turn in his grave.

Lance fell back with a pale face after seeing the news live.


hold him steady, but Christopher was ahead of him,

Dad. Focus on

and anxiously turned to James. "Don't just stand there, James. Get the

wanted to rip Christopher's tongue out of him.

out of your way. But now isn't the time to fight. Dad isn't doing well, and I'm worried sick." Christopher

to refute, but Lance yelled out loud, "James, you useless, petty piece of shit! Get out! Get

to an

turned pale with rage,

would not go anywhere by butting heads. He swallowed his anger and stormed

say that about

in his power to pull the group out of trouble. He can't just turn his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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