Bella and the rest looked in the direction Steven was staring, only to spot Amelia standing under the dim streetlight.

The evening glow highlighted her slender figure, with her soft hair swaying in the gentle breeze and tears shimmering on her porcelain-like face. "Steve..." Amelia called out his name as tears fell continuously.

The fragile silhouette, almost consumed by the darkness, looked heartbreakingly pitiful.

Steven ran toward the girl he loved dearly, his eyes brimming with emotion. He hugged her with all his strength, as if never wanting to let go. "Why did you come here at this hour? It's not safe." Steven struggled to keep his voice calm, but he couldn't steady his breathing.

"Steve, I just needed to see you... I've missed you so much..." Amelia sobbed even more, her tears drenching his shoulder.

Amelia had actually been standing here and waiting since before it got dark. She called her sister and brother-in-law for help from this exact spot.

She had been waiting the whole time, hoping to see Steven emerge with all his poise. She did not know how long she would have to wait, but she was willing to wait as long as necessary.

"I miss you too... I miss you so much, it's driving me crazy."

with sadness as he gently wiped away the tears from her eyes. Then, he placed his hand firmly on the small of her back

tears giving way to laughter. She wiped her

"Wait till we get

hug, her cheeks turning a soft

and get some rest. We're heading back to Hatchbay now. If anything comes up, just contact us," Arnold said with a smile as he

how can I ever repay you?" Bella

turned to look at Asher's back. He thought, 'Maybe you can play

to say

makes you my sister too. It's only right

returned to

Arnold shared a car, while Steven accompanied Amelia as they made their way to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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