"Dad, Charles attempted murder! He contracted a killer, and Ralph stopped him in the act. Not even the best attorney I can find will save him now."

James banked on the fact that his old man would not retaliate, given his strong network of supporters within the company and control over the project from Asher. He pulled the rug from under Lance.

"Just be straight if you have a problem with me. Why must you take a dig at me? Who has been devoted to you? Who has been the one to work hard for the company? Haven't I done enough? Besides, Charles did this to himself. We wouldn't be in so much trouble if he had kept it in his pants. Our family will be ruined if we clean up after him again."”

James was stating facts.

Although Charles was Lance's favorite, Lance started to lose patience with his willful son over the recent distressing events.

"Breathe, Dad. I think James has a point."

Christopher said, "My opinion might come across as brutal, but for the sake of the Iverson Group, you would have to put aside your feelings for Charles and do what's best for all of us. The individual arrested can be linked back to Charles, and someone has to take responsibility."

Lance pressed his lips together, his expression grimacing.

will be dire if we protect Charles, Dad."

giving you full reins to take

eyes bitterly, his hoarse voice reflecting the agony of losing his son. "This is as far as my relationship with

gone, Christopher and James were the only ones left

like the last two survivors of a

now, James. We should look

when you see him. He's known to be emotional. If he finds out that he's never walking out

just got lucky.

Charles are behind bars. No thanks to you. Bella and Justin make

up. Even the

who fucked out on someone else's victory. Do you think you can talk your way to acquiring Dad's trust? Do you think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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