
Charles' eyes lit up at the sight of James, as if he had just seen his lifeline.

He limped his way around the table to get to James when the police officer on duty restrained him by the shoulders for fear he might do something funny.

James sat there with his back sunk into his seat, but his wary eyes and pressed lips reflected his disdain for his criminal brother.

Family ties had never meant anything to James.

Throughout their childhood, Charles was James' playmate, but in adulthood, he became a mere tool for James' manipulation.

To safeguard his own power, James indulged Charles excessively, cleaning up after him and spoiling him rotten. This, however, ultimately proved to be Charles' downfall, keeping him dependent and easily controlled by James.

Alas, Charles was worthless.

All the more reason James could not stand Charles. He did not think it was his fault that his drastic measures made his brother a killer. Everything James did was to save him, so Charles should take the fall for the aftermath.

"How did I become a killer, James? I never killed anyone!"

Charles' cracked lips quivered as he said, "I'm being framed! The charge should be dropped! I'm innocent! Someone is out to get me! I would know if I killed anyone."

"Calm down, Charles. Hear me out."

catch up. "The evidence in this case is overwhelming, including eyewitness accounts and physical evidence.

did I ask him to

advice, growing up. Why did you make the wrong move when it mattered? I told you many times that I would do my

anyone! How many

going everywhere. "Call Dad now! I want to talk to Dad! I'm his favorite

told, Charles. I came to see

his brows. "I have done enough for you, but you never learned and

you mean? Are you

try to make your life comfortable in prison.

out a file from

take out a pen, as he was afraid Charles might go crazy and use the pen as a weapon

at the

contract to transfer shares, and Charles

to pick

not dead. I might be able to get out of here! You can't wait to take my shares? You pushed too far! Even if I'm dead, my shares will go to Dad, not you!" "Charles, hasn't reality sunk in yet? Do you think you'd


to your grave. What's the point of holding on to them Once judgment day is here, you with likely get a life sentence without parole. Even if I

you are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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