It was Shannon who pushed Mary down the stairs.

This deceitful, treacherous, and vicious woman had murdered the love of his life. Yet he was completely oblivious about it and kept this murderer by his side, doting on her for twenty whole years!

Shannon deserved to die a thousand deaths. But then again, was Gregory also not guilty of aiding and abetting the enemy?

Gregory gritted his teeth, his gaze filled with deep hatred, boring into Shannon's pale face. Memories of Mary's beautiful visage intertwined with the pain in his heart, haunting him like an inescapable nightmare Unconsciously, a tear slipped out of the corner of his eye.

He had not shed a single tear at Mary's funeral. But now, he felt an overwhelming urge to weep for her.

However, belated affection meant nothing. His belated tears were equally meaningless.

Hunter staggered backward, utterly stunned as he looked at Shannon, as if struck by a lightning bolt.

he finally understood

so-called evidence had never existed. His reconstruction of the crime scene was merely a pretext to place Shannon under intense interrogation. It was nothing

trap from the very beginning and had methodically lured Shannon into stepping into it,

now, he was still trying to find a solution, but he had exhausted all his efforts and had nothing left to give. He had no more tricks up

that she had pushed Justin's

not save her

teared up. Sasha almost let out a loud cry,

suppressed his intense emotions. He glanced at Ralph beside him. "You all

I merely

"The true mastermind is our incredibly resourceful brother-in-law. He followed the slightest clues to find the witness in Richmond and came up with the idea of presenting fabricated evidence in court to provoke Shannon, causing her to panic and confess. This guy is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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