Christopher's gaze darkened. "Shannon is a discarded chess piece now. Justin dominates Salvador Corporation, with nobody left to stand against him. I'm afraid Chairman Salvador might cede power to him again out of guilt for him and his mother, coupled with the pressure from Old Master Nigel. If that happens, wouldn't he be unstoppable in the Salvador Corporation, like a tiger with wings?"

"Make your move." The man's voice was light as he moved a chess piece.

Christopher pursed his lips, about to move, when the man smiled and spoke again. "Mr. Iverson, are you in a hurry for me to return because you care about me, or do you want an extra helper you could use? Do you want to use me to tie up Justin so you can get Ms. Thompson?"

"No, Sir. Everything I do is for you. I have no such intentions!" Christopher broke out into a cold sweat, immediately expressing his loyalty.

"It's not a problem to help you. But how many times have I helped you? Yet you still haven't made any progress with Ms. Thompson. Instead, you seem to be pushing her further away. It's better to rely on yourself than ask others for help. Relying on others is futile." The man advised Christopher like an elder.

"Mr. Iverson, didn't you ask for that type of drug from Sir? Haven't you used it yet?" Clarice blinked, acting concerned for Christopher. "If you think the drug isn't effective, our research lab's newest product has a stronger effect. If you use it on Ms. Thompson, I believe she will be obedient to you. You can take a shortcut with matters of love."


Clarice. Stop making fun

man returned to a serious tone. "The DAD0044 drug has officially entered the experimental stage, but we have a small

straightened his back. "Please tell

invested an immeasurable amount of money and manpower into the development of this drug, vowing to take the lead in creating a cure for Parkinson's disease. If DAD0044 succeeds in experimenting, it could be said to make a historic contribution to the field of medical science, and the resulting profits

"At that time, the four great families will be beneath

forward. "Sir, Parkinson's disease has some similarities to Alzheimer's. DAD0044... Could it possibly cure Alzheimer's as

thoughts. "As long as we succeed in developing

mother went through and finally having a hope this time, Christopher became so excited that his voice trembled. "Sir, whatever you need, I'm at your command. I'll

leisurely while Clarice spoke on behalf of him. "Our newest intel states that the Larson family is also developing a similar drug, and their progress is faster than ours We tried to send spies to steal their experimental data several times but failed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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