Carrying heavy eyebags, Drew hissed through clenched teeth, "Your snoring will kill me."

Axel carried a pillow out and yawned. Still, he snapped back, "Do you think you're an angel in bed? You wouldn't stop grinding your teeth! I feel bad for your future wife."

"Axel! Drew!" Bella was moved to tears, feeling bad about the comment she made.

She thought her brothers were the worst.

However, the Thompson children were always there when needed.

"Bella!" Not sleepy anymore, Axel and Drew rushed to Bella.

"Axel has been here since day 1. Drew rushed back from abroad as soon as he could, and Declan is on the way," Asher uttered softly.

Asher approached Bella and patted her shoulder in assurance. "Don't worry, Bella. We are all here."

to arrest a wanted criminal. He will be back in two

bad. "I didn't let him know about Wyatt's stroke

more, Aunt

could cost his life. Don't let him

Bella was surrounded by her loved ones. He was

was his

"Mr. Asher, Ms. Bella!"

hurried into the ward, looking angry and overwhelmed. "Christopher

and Justin grimaced. Great minds

playing with fire. I haven't had quality sleep for the past three days. At least, I can take my grievance out on

tongue. "I can't believe he would act like there wasn't

said chillingly, "Tell him to

something important to give to you. You'd find it useful," Steven relayed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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