As Justin thought of Bella, his lips quirked up with undisguised delight. "Could you please tell me the brand? When I return, I'd like to buy one for her."

Clarice's face was turned away. Her cheekbones subtly twitched, and her expression darkened.

"I'm afraid Mr. Salvador will have to return home disappointed. What I'm using is not perfume but incense made from a rare local fragrance in Meridan. It's scarce here. Simply put, it's not available for purchase."

"Oh, I see." Justin's eyes flickered briefly, and he did not bother to ask about it further.

His reason for asking her was clear he had smelled this scent before on Christopher.

During their numerous encounters, Justin had vaguely detected this orchid fragrance clinging to Christopher's clothes.

It was identical to Clarice's scent.

This woman claimed that it was not perfume but a rare incense from Meridan, something she could acquire perhaps through his elder brother's favor.

How did Christopher obtain it then?

Did Christopher and Grant know each other?

Or was it just a coincidence?

Lost in thought, Justin arrived at a carved wooden door.

"Mr. Salvador, Mr. Grant is inside. Please come in," Clarice said, stepping aside to let him pass.

As Justin stepped through the door, his breath deepened slightly.


the room. Upon seeing his younger

Justin hurried

like stars. "It's been over ten years since we last saw each other, right? I missed you a lot.

okay," Justin

matter how busy you are, you must take care

now. As your elder brother, I can't offer much help. The future of the Salvador Corporation rests solely on


throat tightened with emotion. If you want, you can return to Savrow to recuperate at any time. If you ever recover and wish to rejoin the company, I'll welcome you back with open

had countless speculations

this moment, looking at his crippled elder brother in the wheelchair, guilt

younger, Grant was so gallant

But now...

saw only a man ravaged by internal

the tragedies stemmed from that

exiled in a foreign land, dependent on a wheelchair, would have been

the tea room, the two

her hands

watched her hands

treatment, my health has improved slightly

say that. It's my honor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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