Arnold recognized Asher's towering figure.

All the blood in Arnold's body gathered in his trembling heart. He gripped the balcony rail tightly, continuously leaning out as far as he could, wishing to jump down.

That outstanding figure, attracting his heart immediately, could not be anyone other than Asher!

"Asher... Asher! Asher!"

Arnold screamed with all his might.

Unfortunately, they were too far apart.

A strong wind picked up, and it was already hard for Arnold to breathe, being severely injured. His weak voice was scattered by the wind the moment it left his lips, leaving no chance to reach Asher. "Asher! Are you deaf?! Look back... Look back! I'm right behind you..."

When he shouted the last few words, they were hoarse and broken, barely audible.

Arnold could only watch as Asher got into his black sports car, started the engine, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

you wait for

out of his body, Arnold slumped down on the floor, panting heavily, tears falling down his face. "Asher... Why can't you wait for

at night in

to Old Master Larson

law, Old Master Larson was obviously dissatisfied. Although

in Meridan's neurosurgery field! Even I've

"Naturally, I have. But Dad, Arnold broke the family rules with his recent actions and disregarded the Larson family's image, which was outrageous. If

totally use other methods to punish him. There's no

Larson's tone

surgeries for over decade. You were focusing on managing the lab, research center, and hospitals and thriving in the business field. Currently, the only person who could really inherit my legacy is Arnold. If you cripple him, the Larson family will have no successor and

"But, Dad..."

you're so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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