Wyatt's children came first, before any pursuit of wealth and power.

He promised Yara that he would protect all their children and allow them to live a happy life.

The revelation of Asher and Arnold's relationship sparked an uproar in the online community.

It was a drama the public would not miss. The public and competitors, who wished for the Thompsons' downfall, had a lot to say.

[Oh, my god! That's disgusting. I bet Asher Thompson sleeps around and has AIDS.]

[This is not natural. It's going against the law of nature!]

[I bet he sleeps with anyone in his contact list. I doubt love means anything to those people in that social class.]

[Asher lost his reputation. The perfect CEO is ruined.]

[I can't get over the fact that Asher's lover is the heir of Larson Biotech. The world of the rich sure is thrilling.]

[That goes two handsome guys.]

scandal threw the Thompsons into

room. As the incident involved the Larsons, guilt and heartbreak overwhelmed Mila, who had known the truth right from

a son to her.

the corridor, Justin took a call

the individual who distributed the photos of Mr. Asher and Dr. Larson. He's a paparazzi who would do anything for money. He said he got the photos and documents from an anonymous email, and the payout was deposited into his

out, but don't kill him." Justin's eyes

Don't worry. He'll never escape from

everything he knows about the informant.

military academy, Justin picked up digital forensics

was time to put his skills

all due respect, isn't it faster to get the young

down on?" Justin gritted his

get right to

only for another call to

as the call

numbers. Plus, only a handful knew of his private

the call.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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