"I'm sorry, Mr. Iverson. I've been busy handling trivial matters all night... I truly had no idea someone had sneaked in. Please punish me as you see fit." Yvonne immediately lowered her head, fearing the man would decipher her micro-expressions and see through her pretense.

"Heh, a thief? That's interesting."

Christopher lounged leisurely on the sofa, crossing his long legs and glancing casually at the rigidly standing Yvonne.

"I do know someone with such physical skills. Yvonne, you know him, too."


"The one you've been thinking about. The one you wanted to help me get rid of."

Yvonne's face turned deathly pale. She bit her lower lip hard. She felt as if her heart had been drained of blood, losing its ability to beat.

"Could it... Really be him?" Yvonne asked, trying to suppress the tremor in her voice.

think boldly,

tapped a rhythm on his knee. "After all, James was having a good time here earlier tonight. Maybe someone was so eager for revenge that they couldn't wait for Bella to

stabilized. Therefore, his family took him

However, Justin, needing to keep the company running smoothly, could not stay away and had to shuttle between Savrow and Hatchway Bay, busy like a

no matter how tired he was, he would never utter a word of complaint to his partner, nor would he show the slightest sign of fatigue in front

on any of the usual foreplay, tenderness, and intimacy in bed. He loved her


were making love, Bella

to buy the chicken, and he sat in his office researching fried chicken

Justin returned to Yara Park, it was already

waiting for him upstairs.

rolled his sleeves up, put on an apron,

had cooked countless meals for Bella, fried chicken was something not everyone could master. Despite researching all day and following the video step-by-step, he still messed up. Everything

had the oil pan ready and the chicken pieces coated in batter, he was already sweating and had flour all over his face. Suddenly, he heard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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